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network_configuration [2023/02/21 08:11] evienetwork_configuration [2023/08/11 22:55] (current) – Move to bootnote evie
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 ===== Checking the connection =====  ===== Checking the connection ===== 
-<WRAP center round important 60%>+<bootnote warning>
 A bug in the ''iproute2'' package causes the ''ping'' command to be marked as non-executable, this can be solved by running ''chmod +x /usr/bin/ping'' (which marks it as executable) as root. A bug in the ''iproute2'' package causes the ''ping'' command to be marked as non-executable, this can be solved by running ''chmod +x /usr/bin/ping'' (which marks it as executable) as root.
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 ===== Wireless networking =====  ===== Wireless networking ===== 
-<WRAP center round info 60%>+<bootnote>
 yiffOS does not provide the legacy ''iwconfig'' package, as a result, ''iw'' is provided and will be used instead to connect to wireless networks. yiffOS does not provide the legacy ''iwconfig'' package, as a result, ''iw'' is provided and will be used instead to connect to wireless networks.
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 ==== Connecting to a wireless network ====  ==== Connecting to a wireless network ==== 
-<WRAP center round info 60%>+<bootnote>
 These commands require you to run them with root permissions. Running them as a user might not throw errors, but they will also not produce the correct output either. These commands require you to run them with root permissions. Running them as a user might not throw errors, but they will also not produce the correct output either.
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 === Activate the interface (if required) ===  === Activate the interface (if required) === 
-<WRAP center round info 60%>+<bootnote>
 If you get an error like ''Operation not possible due to RF-kill'', check to see if a hardware switch isn't mistakenly set to the off position. If you get an error like ''Operation not possible due to RF-kill'', check to see if a hardware switch isn't mistakenly set to the off position.
 Your card might require the kernel interface to be activated before it can be used in iw. ''ip link set <interface> up'' Your card might require the kernel interface to be activated before it can be used in iw. ''ip link set <interface> up''
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 === Search for access points ===  === Search for access points === 
-<WRAP center round info 60%>+<bootnote>
 If this command outputs ''Interface does not support scanning'', then you are most likely missing firmware. In some cases, this can also be caused by running iw as a regular user. If this command outputs ''Interface does not support scanning'', then you are most likely missing firmware. In some cases, this can also be caused by running iw as a regular user.
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 === Installation and Usage ===  === Installation and Usage === 
-<WRAP center round important 60%>+<bootnote warning>
 If you're coming from systemd-networkd, make sure you delete the systemd-networkd configuration files and disable the service using ''systemctl disable --now systemd-networkd.service'' before starting NetworkManager. If you're coming from systemd-networkd, make sure you delete the systemd-networkd configuration files and disable the service using ''systemctl disable --now systemd-networkd.service'' before starting NetworkManager.
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 ==== systemd-networkd ====  ==== systemd-networkd ==== 
-<WRAP center round important 60%>+<bootnote warning>
 If you aren't using any other DNS resolver (like ''dnsmasq''), you may want to also enable ''systemd-resolved'', you can do this by running ''systemctl enable --now systemd-resolved''. If you ARE, you should disable it instead by running ''systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved''. If you aren't using any other DNS resolver (like ''dnsmasq''), you may want to also enable ''systemd-resolved'', you can do this by running ''systemctl enable --now systemd-resolved''. If you ARE, you should disable it instead by running ''systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved''.
  • network_configuration.1676967118.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/02/21 08:11
  • by evie